Non-Pollen Palynomorph Image Database


...“extra fossils“ in pollen slides


NPP type

Taxonomical Group


Type description

Conidia are 145–255× 35–40 μm size, fusiform, straight or slightly curved, dark-brownwith pale end cells. Spores have 6–14 septa, 2–5 μm thick. Spores are constricted at septa. The wall is 2–4 μm thick with scarce irregular longitudinal ornamentation (rugulate to coarse striate). Based on similar morphology, the type KNG 7 is assigned to hyphomycete genus Xylomyces. [..] Morphologically, the type KNG 7 is the most close to X. chlamydosporus and X. giganteus. For this two and possibly upcoming species with same spore morphology the X. chlamydosporus-type is erected here: Shumilovskikh et al 2016



First publication

Shumilovskikh LS, Ferrer A, Schlütz F (2017) Non-pollen palynomorphs notes: 2. Holocene record of Megalohypha aqua-dulces, its relation to the fossil form genus Fusiformisporites and association with lignicolous freshwater fungi. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 246, 167-176. DOI: 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2017.07.002.

Xylomyces chlamydosporus-type
