Non-Pollen Palynomorph Image Database


...“extra fossils“ in pollen slides


NPP type

Taxonomical Group


Type description

van der Wiel (1982): Fungal spores, light brown, biseptate, 47-57 (52) X 17-25 (22) µm, fusiform, truncate at both ends. Both endcells of the spore are provided with a pore ca 3 µm in diameter. Surface of the polyhedral spores with strong ribs separating the different faces Ribs about 3 µm wide, anastomosing.

Van Geel et al. 1986: Fruit-bodies (HdV 143b): ovoid, c. 180-300 μm, blackish brown, with a coarsely verrucose wall, verrucae 15-20 μm high.

Ascospores (HdV 143a and 143d-f): biseptate, 47-57 X 17-25 μm, fusiform, both ends truncate with a germ pore c. 3 μm in diameter. Surface often with dark brown anastomosing ribs.

Van Geel et al 2003a: Fruit-bodies (39) ca. 100 X 75 μm.


First publication

van der Wiel AM (1982) A palaecological study of a section from the foot of the Hazendonk (Zuid-Holland), based on the analysis of pollen, spores and macroscopic remains. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 38:35-90.

Diporotheca sp. / D. rhizophila
